Today I was finally able to finish up a skirt for Little Miss that I started the week before my back went out. It's the Gathered Skirt for All Ages by Purlbee that I read about on Soulmama's blog. Gave it a try! Love it! So does she! I'm thinking I might even try one for myself but I'm wondering if it will make my butt look big(ger) LOL
For her I sewed the 10-11 year size in width but the 12 year size in length. She's a tall one that one! The fabric is a cotton twill that I had in my stash. It was just on the border of being too heavy weight. I wouldn't go any heavier on the fabric or it will turn out lookin like a big umbrella!
She loves it and it went together quite easily so I'm thinking a few more are in our future.
I have one other item that I began some time this winter that hopefully I'll be able to finish now too. It's a hunter green skirt for myself. I've gotten a few Ottobre mags in the mail these past months and they are so temping. Hoping that I'll be able to sew a bit here and there without hurting. Hoping I never have to give up my sewing. Still wondering how I'll help hubby keep up with the weeding this summer but.....